Confidence is assurance is oneself. When we empower children to grow their confidence skills we are helping them obtain tools for handling difficult situations and stresses that come with school and home life like learning, dealing with peer pressure, or even changes in their bodies. Raising bilingual Spanish children also means instilling in them confidence to continue in their language learning, no matter where they are at. These book not only help them with practical tips but will also encourage Spanish language learning.
Books to Build Confidence in Kids in English and Spanish
I Can Do Hard Things / Yo Puedo Hacer Cosas Difíciles (Bilingual English and Spanish)
A must have to add to your library, this book, written by Latina mom, Gabi Garcia, this is an easy and very insightful read for kids. It encourages listening to your inner voice to help you get through hard things. It also reminds children that what may appear "easy" may in fact be hard, a in important lesson in growth for kids. You can also find a downloadable packet that complements this book on her website.
Todos Sienten Ansiedad Alguna Vez
Este es un libro muy práctico que toca el tema de la ansiedad y la preocupación. Es un libro tanto para el niño como para el padre o cuidador. Tiene ejemplos claros y específicos de cuándo los niños tienen ansiedad y algunas cosas prácticas que pueden hacer para ayudarlos a superar la ansiedad. A veces, cuando los niños no sienten confianza en un área, sentirán ansiedad en torno al tema. Darles herramientas para ayudarlos a superar y manejar mejor la ansiedad aumentará su confianza.
Everyone Feels Anxious Sometimes
This is a very practical book that addresses anxiety and worry. It is as much for the child as it is for the parent or caretaker. It has clear specific examples of when children experience anxiety and some practical things they can do to help them overcome anxiety. Sometimes when children do not feel confidence in an area they will feel anxiety around the subject. Giving them tools to help them overcome and better deal with anxiety will boost their confidence.
La Ninja Segura: Un libro para niños sobre el desarrollo de la confianza en uno mismo y la autoestima
Otro gran libro que brinda a los niños ejercicios prácticos para ayudarlos a aumentar sus habilidades de confianza. Me gusta especialmente el "Código de confianza", imagínate a ti mismo triunfando, practica fallando y escribe tus metas en un papel que profundice en cada una de estas acciones.
Confident Ninja: A Children's Book About Developing Self Confidence and Self Esteem
Another great book that gives children practical exercises to help boost their confidence skills. I especially like the "Confidence Code," picture yourself succeeding, practice failing, and put your goals down on paper that goes in depth into each of this actions.
Bella's Recipe for Success
A very cute Spanglish book geared for Latino families with a message that you can make mistakes but if you keep practicing you can get better at something. I especially love the introduction of Spanish words to encourage Spanish language building.
Confidence is my Superpower: A Kid's Book about Believing in Yourself and Developing Self-Esteem
This is a cute book that you can add to your home library. It is written in rhyme form so it makes it fun for kids. I like that it talks about how it's ok to fail and that you can work on skills to help your confidence. I like that at the end of the book there are cute affirmation cards with phrases for kids to repeat.
The Girl Who Never Made Mistakes: A Growth Mindset Book for Kids to Promote Self Esteem
I love this book, especially if you have a child that likes to do everything perfectly. It teaches them about a little girl that never makes and what happens the day she makes a mistake. It teaches about children's fears of making mistakes and how to embrace them. It's a great one to add to your home or classroom library.
¡Yo soy!: Afirmaciones para desarrollar la resiliencia (Spanish Edition)
Un lindo libro ideal para niños pequeños para ayudarlos a comenzar un lenguaje interno seguro. A medida que crecemos, lo que creemos sobre nosotros mismos refleja nuestras experiencias. Cuando comenzamos con una mentalidad de creencia positiva, somos más propensos a manejar las cosas difíciles. Cuando capacitamos a nuestros hijos con pensamientos positivos sobre sí mismos, les estamos brindando herramientas para ayudarlos más adelante, cuando se conviertan en niños mayores y adultos.
I Am!: Affirmations for Resilience
A cute book great for toddlers to help them start a confident internal language. As we grow, what we believe about ourselves reflects our experiences. When we start with a positive belief mindset we are more liely to tackle difficult things. When we empower our children with positive self thoughts we are providing them with tools to help them later as they become older children and adults.
A Little SPOT of Confidence: A Story About Believing In Yourself
A must have for your school or home library. This book goes in depth teaching kids different things they can do to grow their confidence. I love that it gives lots of different examples and teaches kids what confidence or lack of confidence looks like. I'm just disappointed that it' snot available in Español.
Grow Up and Love Your Body!: The Complete Girls’ Guide to Growing Up Age 8-12 incl. Body-Care and Self-Esteem Special
This is a very useful guide to help get the conversation started, especially as girls start to develop into preteens and changes start to occur in the body. Making sure we provide our girls with positive self-image-building tools is crucial and starting with having solid conversations is the way to go. I will say that the chapter on body and exercise may rub parents differently. They present diet and exercise in an informative way, but I can see how it can come across differently. Use it as a tool but not as end all be all when having or starting difficult conversations with your child. Overall, I like this book.
There are many amazing books that help children build their confidence skills that can be applicable even to language learning.
Liked the blog? Looking to foster a strong connection to your Latino roots and empower your child through bilingualism? Explore my comprehensive bilingual parenting course, Confident Bilingual Parenting: How to Raise a Bilingual Spanish Child Your Way. Gain valuable insights, practical strategies, and access to a private community, ensuring you have all the tools you need to nurture your child's language development and cultural awareness from an early age. It includes the Bilingual Resources Directory full of toys, books, media recommendations, and yes discounts.
You can also delve into my easy-to-read and visual book, Nobody Told Me This About Raising a Bilingual Child, which not only serves as a practical guide but also makes a thoughtful baby shower gift.
For more insights and inspiration, consider tuning in to The Latina Mom Legacy Podcast, where I empower parents raising bilingual kids through engaging case studies, expert interviews, and my personal words of wisdom.
No matter which path you choose, rest assured that I'm here to support your bilingual parenting journey in every way.
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