In many Latino & Catholic centric countries Christmas is not over until El Dia de Reyes or Three Kings Day. Each celebrates in their own way like in Mexico they make a Rosca de Reyes, in Argentina, kids write a letter to the three kings and put it inside their shoes by their bed, in Puerto Rico, they celebrate La Vispera de Reyes and grass is put in a shoe box by the tree.
However you celebrate El Dia de Reyes, these books will help you share their story with your child.
Three Kings Day - Dia de Reyes Mago
I like that this is a simple book for kids with actual photographs that help tell the story of the Three Kings. Perfect for a child just starting to read in English or Spanish.
"Three Kings Day is a holiday that is celebrated in Spain, Mexico, and many Latin American countries. Learn all about Three Kings Day with this bilingual book highlighting the customs and traditions of this festive holiday. It is a special day that honors the arrival of the Three Kings (Wise Men) to Bethlehem after the birth of baby Jesus on Christmas Day. It is celebrated on January 6th. Children will learn about the meaning of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, along with customs like leaving hay out for camels and receiving small toys inside their shoes!"
The holiday is described in brief, easy-to-read text, presented in both English and Spanish.
Continue the celebration with 10 bonus coloring pages!
Los Tres Reyes Magos
This book is in Spanish with large text and vibrant images sure to catch your little ones attention.
"Este libro te ofrece la historia de los tres Reyes Magos, hombres muy sabios que, dejándose guiar por sus conocimientos, salieron de viaje, sabiendo que un gran prodigio iba a tener lugar lejos de sus reinos. Un relato lleno de magia adaptado para los pequeños lectores."
The Story of the Three Wise Kings
This is a beautifully illustrated and classic book. Although not available in bilingual or Spanish it is too nice of a book to not include in this book list.
"Tomie dePaola’s beloved 1983 classic returns to print just in time for the holiday season!
Three wise men of the East, having seen a new star symbolizing the birth of a great king, follow the star to Bethlehem where they present gifts to the newborn Jesus. This beautiful rendition of the well-known tale is sure to delight young readers."
Los Reyes Magos
A beautiful pop up book in Spanish that kids of all ages can enjoy.
Entrad en los escenarios pop-up de uno de los últimos títulos de la colección Minipops: la tradición de los Reyes Magos. Una visión moderna y sintética de los cuentos clásicos más populares.
Ya Llegan Los Reyes Magos
"This beautifully illustrated poem voices the excitement of Three Kings' Day from a child's perspective. "
Un Coquí de Borinquén Con Los Reyes a Belén
A fun story told in Español about a frog that accompanies the Three Kings on their journey touching on different places. Winner of the International Latino Book Awards, this one is a winner.
"¡Mantenga viva la tradición de los Tres Reyes para esta y futuras generaciones de niños boricuas!
"Un coquí de Boriquén con los Reyes a Belén" es la historia de un coquí mágico que acompañó a una niña puertorriqueña a la primera Navidad. El cantar del coquí ayuda a los Magos a encontrar al Niño Jesús. En agradecimiento, los Reyes le prometen anualmente buscar a cada niño de su país, en o fuera de Puerto Rico, siempre que la melodía de un coquí los llame."
Colorea a Los Tres Reyes Magos
What better way for kids to learn about Ls Reyes than to get creative and color. This coloring book offers many pages and opportunities to talk about the story of the Three Wise Men.
"Se acerca el día en que vienen los Tres Reyes Magos, repletos de regalos para todos los niños/as que se han portado bien este año. Este día es mágico tanto para grandes como para pequeños.
Os traemos un libro con 30 bonitos diujos para colorear a los Reyes Magos y también con ilustraciones el nacimiento del niño Jesús."
Final Thoughts
Looking to foster a strong connection to your Latino roots and empower your child through bilingualism? Explore my comprehensive bilingual parenting course, Confident Bilingual Parenting: How to Raise a Bilingual Spanish Child Your Way. Gain valuable insights, practical strategies, and access to a private community, ensuring you have all the tools you need to nurture your child's language development and cultural awareness from an early age. It includes the Bilingual Resources Directory full of toys, books, media recommendations, and yes discounts.
You can also delve into my easy-to-read and visual book, Nobody Told Me This About Raising a Bilingual Child, which not only serves as a practical guide but also makes a thoughtful baby shower gift.
For more insights and inspiration, consider tuning in to The Latina Mom Legacy Podcast, where I empower parents raising bilingual kids through engaging case studies, expert interviews, and my personal words of wisdom.
No matter which path you choose, rest assured that I'm here to support your bilingual parenting journey in every way.
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