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473-Season 4 Finale: The Most Listened to Episodes of Each Season of The Latina Mom Legacy Podcast

473-Season 4 Finale: The Most Listened to Episodes of Each Season of The Latina Mom Legacy Podcast - Mi LegaSi

In today’s Season finale of the Latina Mom Legacy podcast, I have the most listened to episodes of each of the last 4 seasons.

Join me as I go down memory lane and revisit Hispanic Heritage and what it means for kids, talking tech and toys with a Latina mom, my favorite money tips, and how you can be the best version of you for your baby.  Yo, a Latina mom, bilingual parenting educator, and now author te invito as we take a closer look.  Asi que no te lo pierdas!



Episode Sponsor: The Language Grove All SPanish Preschool in North Hills, California.  Get 10% Off your first 6 months when you mention The Latina Mom Legacy.⁠⁠⁠

What you’ll learn from this episode you will...

  • Listen to highlights from the top episode of each of the last 4 seasons.

  • Listen to my POV in what it means to be Hispanic to kids.

  • Listen to the beginning of our annual holiday toy gift guide show with Monica Encarnación.

  • Listen to my top money tip.

  • Get a preview of how you can become a better you for your baby with Dr. Divina Lopez.

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