Do you know anything about investing for your future? Do you have a budget or are you just working and living paycheck to paycheck? In this episode, I talk with a Latina mom of 1 who's taken her struggles and transformed her finances and now wants to help you. She's money coach Nathalia Segoviano.
Join us as we give you 5 steps to get your financial foundation in order so you can start living the life you want. Plus, we’ll talk about raising a bilingual daughter, motherhood, and the financial advice we were given growing up Latina. Asi que no te lo pierdas!
Season 3 Podcast Episode 03 The Latina Mom Legacy Podcast Show Notes - How Latinas Can Set Up Their Financial Foundation in 5 Steps
About Money Coach Nathalia Segoviano
Nathalia Segoviano is a Money Coach at Mom Money Boss
Nathalia Segoviano is a money coach who has transformed her life and her finances and is now helping other moms take control of their money with her budgeting tools program.
Follow Nathalia on Instagram @mom_money_boss
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