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2.17 Vanessa De Jesus Guzman - 5 Back to School Stress Reducing Tips To Help You During This Covid-19 Era

2.17 Vanessa De Jesus Guzman - 5 Back to School Stress Reducing Tips To Help You During This Covid-19 Era - Mi LegaSi

How are you going to navigate Back to School during the pandemic?   What should you be doing right now?  On today’s show I have a Latina mom of 1 who’s going to answer those questions.  She’s a licensed counselor and former elementary school teacher recently featured on The Today Show, she’s also a salsa and pastelón lover, Vanessa de Jesus Guzman.

Join us as she gives us 5 Back to School Stress Reducing Tips to help us cope in this Covid-19 era.  Plus, we answer your questions and if you stay til the end you’ll receive one of Vanessa’s mindfulness freebies to empower you and your child.

Asi que no te lo pierdas.

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Season 2 Podcast Episode 17 Show Notes

About Vanessa de Jesus Guzman

Vanessa de Jesus Guzman is the brains and beauty behind Free to Be Mindful.  Free to be Mindful services focuses on mindfulness practices to improve on social-emotional skills and emotional intelligence.

Counselor Vanessa de Jesus Guzman Free to be Mindful

Vanessa is "a caring, warm and enthusiastic educator and counselor whose passion is to help kids, along with their parents and teachers! I have had much experience in helping children with academic stress and pressures, ADHD, navigating high functioning autism, behavioral issues, social skills, identity and self-esteem via a variety of positions including tenured teacher, highly effective school counselor, behavioral assistant, in-home clinician, group facilitator... and of course as a mom."

She was featured in The Today Show in August 2020.

Instagram: @counselorvdejesus

Click to Receive Vanessa's FREE MINDFULNESS ACTIVITY

Children's Product Recommendations Mentioned in the Show

Follow Janny on Instagram@milegasi
Follow Vanessa on Instagram @counselorvdejesus
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