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2.14 Liliana Caldera - How I found out my daughter was Diabetic. A Latina mom's story.

2.14 Liliana Caldera - How I found out my daughter was Diabetic.  A Latina mom's story. - Mi LegaSi

Can you imagine thinking that your child simply has a cold and then she’s diagnosed with diabetes and celiac disease?  On this episode, I have a Latina mom of 1, Liliana Caldera that shares her family’s frightening story.

Join us we talk about diabetic symptoms, how she’s treating her recently diagnosed daughter, and her advice to other moms that may be going through this.  Plus, we talk about raising her bilingual daughter and her favorite Mexican summer traditions.

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Season 2 Podcast Episode 14 Show Notes

Bilingual Kid's Recommendations:

Dave and Ava You Tube Show

Luli Pampin You Tube Show



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