We as mamás always tend to put everyone else first and leave ourselves last. We may not hesitate to spend $50 easily on someone we love but we may think twice about spending that on ourselves. I think it's built into the mamá DNA, the always giving giving giving, but what about us? Sometimes all that giving can leave us drained, exhausted, or worse depressed.
When I set out to create Mi LegaSi I wanted to offer mamás an unexpected gift. Something that makes you feel good about yourself inside and out, empowers you encourages you, and reminds you that you need to a take time out for yourself and most importantly that you are deserving of it. Being a mom can be the hardest job in the world sometimes, I know! (My soon to be threenager had an hour long meltdown at 11pm last night and I just wanted to vanish to Mars!) But it's also equally rewarding.
Taking care of ourselves means that we can feel better about ourselves. We can have a self esteem boost. We can bring that stress level down and be better able to handle the pressures of everyday life. We can have a better internal and external balance. I will never forget what my doctor said 3 months after I had my daughter. I have had very bad back issues for over 20 years, to the point of surgery. After I had my daughter I was in excruciating back pain but I refused to take medication because I wanted to breastfeed so badly. My doctor said, "When you're in an airplane and they do the safety reviews, they say, you need to put the oxygen mask first and then help others! Janny, you need to put the oxygen mask first so you can be a better mom for Victoria." That was an AHA moment for sure. I was so focused on my daughter's well being that I didn't understand that by not taking care of myself FIRST I was actually doing a disservice for her.
Point is, we know it gets crazy, especially during the holidays, so this month we wanted to remind you that You are strong! You are Bella! You can do this because you're Latina and you can kick some serious culito!
We are so happy to have partnered with Gabriela and Isabela, the two sisters behind Chiqui Body Care who own and make every product by hand. Our way of pampering you and supporting our Latino community.
They were inspired by their late great uncle, "Chiqui," who instilled in them the importance of family and self-care. They combined those values with love for the environment and sustainable practices and created Chiqui Body Care.
These two very bright ladies, Gabi, an environmental engineer and Isabella a nursing major, have created a sustainable body care line of products ranging from toothpaste, bath salts, deodorant, to lip balm (like the one featured in our December box).
"A tinted peppermint lip balm for a refreshing feeling that gives a natural plumping effect on the lips. We believe in the healing properties of vitamin e oil and it is perfect for soothing any scars or abrasions on your lips! Packaging is BPA-free and has a recycle number 5, which is one of the 3 safest plastics to use!"
And they have amazing reviews like this one from Etsy user Khamini:
Please check out their amazing AND affordable line of products at Etsy ChiquiBodyCare. I can't say enough about this sister duo.
You'll find a perfect gift FOR YOU (or someone else) that will remind you to take a mamá time out to make you feel good, plus it'll make a difference in our environment too!
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