Elections are especially important events in our country, and for our family they are so embedded in our lives that in fact our biggest milestones are marked by an election. When I met my husband, I met him because he was working on a political campaign - 2008 elections. We got engaged as the 2009 mid-term elections unfolded. We had our first baby during the 2018 primary elections and found out we were expecting our second baby at the national convention. So yes, politics and political campaigns are very much a part of our lives.
Now, how to talk to "los bodoques" about an election? But more importantly, how to explain the importance of voting? I believe that first, start them early, with the simple act of having them come with you and watch you cast a vote, whether for a mid-term or a presidential election, but just do it, lead by example. Second, books. Books have provided me the language I need to better explain complex concepts to them.
Sadly our selection is mostly English with only a couple of books in Spanish - hint to our Latino authors and publishers. Here are some book suggestions about elections and voting...
8 Kids Books About Voting
1) I Voted
- Author: Mark Shulman
- Ages: 4 years – 8 years
- Grades: Preschool – 3rd Grade
- Hardcover
- Language: English
Concept: With simple examples, the book introduces the concept of democracy, It illustrate what happens when you chose individually and as a group.
What we like about this book: How it simplifies hard concepts like democracy and voting with simple everyday choices. I also liked that while it starts in a very basic level, it provides more information at the back on the branches of the American government, how we elect officials and how kids can get involved in an election.
2) Sofia Valdez, Presidenta Tal Vez
- Author: Andrea Beaty
- Ages: 4 years – 8 years
- Grades:Kindergarten - 3rd Grade
- Hardcover
- Language: Spanish or English
Concept: "Every morning, Abuelo walks Sofia to school . . . until one day, when Abuelo hurts his ankle at a local landfill and he can no longer do so. Sofia (aka Sofi) misses her Abuelo and wonders what she can do about the dangerous Mount Trashmore. Then she gets an idea—the town can turn the slimy mess into a park! She brainstorms and plans and finally works up the courage to go to City Hall—only to be told by a clerk that she can’t build a park because she’s just a kid! Sofia is down but not out, and she sets out to prove what one kid can do."
What we like about this book: We love it because of the Latino representation this book offers. With such few books available, this one really encourages our kids that they can make a difference no matter the age.
3) The Night Before Election Day
- Author: Natasha Wing
- Ages: 3 years – 5 years
- Grades: Preschool – Kindergarten
- Paperback
- Language: English
Concept: In the form of a poem a young girl narrates the preparation for election day. From how she sees her school transform into a polling station, to how she remembers the posters and listening about the elections at home, at school and everywhere.
What we like about this book: It is an easy read with great illustrations that little ones can relate to their day to day scenes in school and at home. It also includes stickers and that is always a winner!
4) One Vote, Two Votes, I Vote, You Vote
- Author: Bonnie Worth
- Ages: 5 years – 8 years
- Grades: Kindergarten – 3rd Grade
- Hardcover
- Language: English
Concept: With a simple rhyme the Cat in the Hat introduces the concept of voting and democracy. It explains how voting gives us our very own voice and if we do not vote we lose our voice. The book focuses on the presidential elections.
What we like about this book: Fun illustrations and easy read to engage kids and introduce these concepts. The revised version also has some activities to hold your own elections.
5) Yo voto por mí
- Author: Martin Baltscheit
- Ages: 7 years and up
- Grades: 2nd – 3rd Grade
- Hardcover
- Language: Spanish
Concept: Every four years the animals run elections, however the Lion is the only candidate until the little mouse decides to run for king. A good introduction to democracy and voting.
What we like about this book: Engaging read with cute illustrations that is a good conversation starter on democracy.
This book is also available used for a much lower cost.
6) Camilla Can Vote
- Author: Mary Morgan Ketchel
- Ages: 4 years – 8 years
- Grades: 1st – 2nd Grade
- Hardcover
- Language: English
Concept: Camilla visits the museum with her class and learns all about the Women's Suffrage Movement.
What we like about this book: Children will travel in time along with Camilla to learn and important history lesson on how women gained the right to vote. Presented in a fun and exciting way the story will engage them and hopefully also empower them to seek change and be the change.
7) Grace For President
- Author: Kelly DiPucchio
- Ages: 3 years – 8 years
- Grades: Preschool – 3rd Grade
- Hardcover
- Language: English
Concept: Grace is learning about the American Presidents at school and cannot believe her eyes, there are no girls! Determined to change that, she decides to run for President.
What we like about this book: The book introduces concepts like voting, the electoral college, and the importance of voting for the right person. But what I really loved is that the book highlights the importance representation and furthermore the importance to take action when you’re not being represented.
8) Vote for Our Future
- Author: Margaret McNamara
- Ages: 3 years – 8 years
- Grades: Preschool – 3rd Grade
- Hardcover
- Language: English
Concept: The students at Stanton Elementary see their school transform into a polling station. The book introduces voting, the importance to register to vote, and most important how even though the students of Stanton Elementary cannot vote yet, they still play an important role by encouraging their adults to vote.
What we like about this book: Beautiful illustrations, easy read and language to explain the importance of voting, but also teaching and encouraging children to be proactive and Get Out the Vote!
9) If I Ran for President
- Author: Catherine Stier
- Ages: 4 years – 8 years
- Grades: Preschool – 3rd Grade
- Paperback
- Language: English
Concept: Six kids imagine running for president. The book gives great details on the process of running for and electing a president.
What we like about this book: An inspiring book for all kids. While the book is a bit advanced for “los bodoques” I look forward to start reading it and help explain what Papá does and the importance of his job.
Final thoughts on Voting...
- Register to VOTE.
- Request your BALLOT.
- VOTE – return your ballot in person or by mail.
- Get out the vote – call all family and friends, remind them of the deadlines.
For more information on each state deadlines go to: https://www.vote.org/
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