Did you know that AI can help you raise bilingual children? Yes, in today’s episode we’ll talk about parenting in the era of artificial intelligence. What is AI? How does it work in our everyday life? How can it become your virtual language assistant? Especially how this technology can help you as a parent when you're raising bilingual children. Plus, my conversation with ChatGPT and what it had to say. Así que no te lo pierdas!
What you’ll learn from this episode
- What is AI and how does it work?
- How can you use AI in your daily tasks?
- How can AI help in your bilingual parenting mission?
- Bilingual content recommendations that I got from AI
- Why AI can not replace humans
“These are just tools, but they will make your life easier. And as your children grow and as the technology evolves, you will see that they too will start to use AI more because it will become part of everyday life.”
"I believe, and this is only my belief, I believe that we are here on Earth to evolve, to learn, and to grow. To grow as humans, but more importantly, for our souls or our inner beings to grow"
"Not everything that you communicate with these language models, with these bots, are going to be 100% true or accurate. So you have to use this just like with anything, take it with a grain of salt"
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