Are you expecting and want to raise a bilingual baby but don’t know where to start? Have you ever even thought about it? In this episode, I provide expecting parents a guide to bilingual parenting and address the most common questions asked.
Join me as I answer 7 of the most frequently asked questions regarding raising bilingual babies.
Walk away feeling empowered and giving bilingual parenting a second look. Plus, I share my experience at my most recent Baby Expo. Yo, a bilingual parenting educator, author, and multilingual parenting mom, Janny Perez, te invito as we take a closer look.
What you’ll learn from this episode
- Learn how childhood bilingualism is a natural and advantageous process.
- Discover cognitive benefits like improved memory and language processing skills linked to early bilingualism in babies.
- Get practical tips for creating language-rich environments and getting your spouse on board.
- Understand why many parents think bilingual children are prone to language delays.
Janny: Janny on IG https://instagram.com/milegasi
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